TecnoballZ is an Arkanoid/Breakout variant with several extra features. Immediately noticeable are the four pockets in the corners of the playing field, which will temporary hold any ball that gets in the corner before releasing it in a random direction. This also increases the player's score. Some of the bricks release bonuses which, if collected by the player's paddle(s), add to the player's gold supply. This may be then spent in a shop between levels on various powerups that range from weapons, sticky paddle and ball power upgrades to extra lives, extra balls and even extra paddles that move vertically on the sides of the field, and one at the top, all mirroring the movement of the original horizontal paddle. Similar to many other games of the genre, various creatures appear on the playing field and then move around in random patterns. These are harmless to both the balls and the paddles, but they act as obstacles for the balls. Usually such entity can withstand several hits from a ball before being destroyed. Additionally, every five levels there is a special stage with a boss battle. The game includes 50 regular levels and 11 special levels.
ESRB Rating: Not Rated
Genre(s): Action