front cover

Platform: Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Region: Region Not Set

Developer(s): Ocean Software Ltd.

Publishers(s): Ocean Software Ltd.

ReleaseDate: 1987-01-05

Players: 1

Co-op: No


TAI-PAN PUBLISHER Ocean Software Limited AUTHOR Sentient SW Ltd. YEAR 1987 CATEGORY CONTROLS Joystick: Keyboard: Kempston, Sinclair, Cursor. Q -UP UP Z -DOWN /|\ I -LEFT | P -RIGHT LEFT <----+----> RIGHT N -FIRE | SPACE -TOGGLE ICONS \|/ DOWN FIRE - FIRE SPACE - TOGGLE ICONS SCORES RECEIVED 93% (CRASH #43, August 1987) INSTRUCTIONS STORY ----- The year is 1841 . . . The traders of Britain, Europe and America are sailing the waters of east in search of their fortunes. Twenty years earlier the Emperor of China had decreed that the purchase of China's goods could only be paid with silver bullion. The demand for Tea, Silk and Jade was causing a massive balance of trade deficit almost bankrupting the Trading Nations. Then a lone ship "The Vagrant Star" under the construction of The East India Company sailed to Canton with a cargo of illicit contraband. The Chinese traders bought the cargo and paid for it in silver bullion. A way had been found to reduce the deficit. Over the twenty years the trade in contraband grew so much that the revenue from its sale outstripped the need for silver bullion to buy legitimate goods. Trade was once more balanced. The independent traders began to amass great fortunes and fleets of ships and the leader formed their own trading companies and began to monopolise the trade. The chinese named these men Tai-Pan (Supreme Leaders) and the greates of these was THE TAI-PAN. The waters of the China seas were hostile, with both weather and pirates taking their toll of the traders ship and profits. The weather held its own dangers; at certain times of the year TAI-FUNG (Supreme Winds), known to the traders as Typhoons became terror incarnate. There was a little or no escape form the raging winds, the driving rain and waves in excess of hundred feet. Ships were thrown off course, battered to pieces on the merciless, hazardous coastline or just swept under, never to be seen again. As trade between the many ports in the China seas was increasing all the time, the merchants used the natives and their towns as safe havens from the terrible storms and scondary trading posts between Europe and the Far East . . . Now the stage is set for you to make your fortune and become the Merchant Prince . . . THE TAI-PAN. THE GAME -------- You enter the game penniless, no money, no ships, no assets. Your ambition is to become THE TAI-PAN. You begin in the town of Guangzhou and must try to find someone to lend you enough money to buy and equip a ship and still leave you enough to get a crew and buy goods to trade. The money lent to you must be repaid within six months or your benefactor will lose face and you will lose your head! Your assets an status are displayed in the message window beneath the icons. This area is also reserved for displaying the current item in your possession. SHIP You have one follower, your son, he will fetch and carry things for you but you must do everything else. You must wander the town to try to find a friendly benefactor, havin raised a lon of $ 300,000 you must go to the bank and buy a ship. You will be given a choice of three : LORCHA - $ 150,000 - a smugglers ship, (fast), cargo space = 10 units, 2 cannons, 6 crew CLIPPER - $ 250,000 - Standard traders ship, (moderate), cargo space = 30 units, 4 cannons, 12 crew FRIGGATE - $ 400,000 - Gunship, used by the Navy and the Pirates, (slow), cargo space = 30 units, 8 cannons, 24 crew members The way you wish to fulfil your ambitions should determine your choice of ship. If you wish to smuggle contraband, then you should choose the Lorcha. If you wish to trade peacefully with the Law (appart from the indiscreption), you should choose the Clipper. If you wish to become a Privateer, then you should choose the Friggate. You can still pirate in any of the ships but because of the lack of fire power in the two smaller ships, it is advisable that you use the Friggate. Conversely you can use the Friggate for trading or the Clipper for smuggling but their lack of speed makes them unsuitable for these tasks. CREW Once you have purchased your ship, you must find a crew. These can either be emploued (found in the Inns) or if you wish to conserve your money, they may be press-ganged. Remember, paid crew is liable to be more loyal to you than a forced crew. To be successful at press-ganging it is suggested you only attempt it on drunks and exhausted men, with a truncheon. If you attempt it on a fit man he is liable to fight back or call the Bannermen. If you are arrested by the Bannermen you wil have to spend 30 days in jail and if you are caught three times you will be beheaded. When you are successful in the press-ganging, your follower(s), your son at the beginning, will take them to the ship. If you do not have a follower with you then you will be unable to press-gang as carrying the body will prove impossible alone. Once you have enough crew to sail your ship, you must buy stores, arms and goods to trade with. These can be bought at the differing locations in the town. GAMBLING You may find a gambling den (in certain buildings) and be invited to take part. The game is based on a reace between the chinese mythical beings represented by their years. These are: Deer, Horse, Fish, Cow, Sheep and Dragon. The tiles represent the different creatures and odds are given on each of the creatures gaining enough of the tiles to win the race. When you enter the Den you will be asked if you wish to play; if you agree, then you will be asked to choose which creatures you wish to back (the odds are displayed beneath each tile), moving the joystick left or right will highlight the options and pressing will make you choice. You will then be asked the amount of stake you wish to place. A counter will start at $ 10 up to $ 1000. Pressing fire will stake the bet and also start the race. The tiles at the top of the screen will rotate and stop randomly, each time they stop the tile shown will be added to the pile of that creatures tile. Then one of the piles reaches 10 tiles they are the winner. If you have won you will be credited with your winnings and asked if you want to continue playing. If you say yes you will be able to choose again, if you say no, you will be placed outside the building. SMUGGLERS You might be approached by smugglers within the towns, or you could discover a smugglers den. They might try to sell you contraband, this is very dangerous to trade in but very profitable. If the police catch you with contraband you will be imprisoned and your goods forefitted. The smugglers price is fixed for buying and selling when in town but marked changes will vary the price at each port visited. CARGO Certain items you have to buy will also take up cargo space. 1 unit of cargo space = 1 unit of food (20 man weeks supply, you cannot split the units) 1 unit of cargo space = 1 unit of cannon shots (12 shots) Once you have your supplies and goods you must find your ship and set sail. When on board you will be able to choose your course, assuming you have bought the equipment and maps, to travel to the myriad of ports available to you to trade. SHIPPING ROUTES When choosing your shipping routes you should take note of the time of year (the weather) and the safety of certain routes. If you follow the safest routes there is little chance of meeting pirates but the less safe the route the more chance of being attacked. The safer routes are longer and these routes only allow you to trade along the coasts. To trade further afield you must accept the possible consequences of sailing across the seas. When using the map, as long as your ship follows a shipping route, time will be represented as passing quicker (as shown on the calendar). This is to avoid long stretches of time when little is happening. If the wind direction changes or the weather alters or ship enters a play area, you will be returned to real time. To start sailing, press space and select RAISE/LOWER SAILS icon, raise the sail and that's it! To speed up or slow your ship down you must select the sails icon by pressing fire, then moving your joystick up/ down will raise or lower sails as necessary. This will affect you travel time when using the map. To steer your ship you must be in steering mode (Ships weel icon, this is the default). When in this mode moving left or right will make the ship turn. Remember these are sailing ships and therfore to gain their maximum speed they must have the wind at their stern. ISLANDS You will be able to land on an Island when at sea. (These will not be shown on the maps but will show up on the screen when in plan mode). Sail into the islands and deposit goods which may not be wise to carry (i.e. contraband to one of the ports that will not tolerate it), or arrange to meet smuggler there to arrange larger deals. FOOD SUPPLIES You must feed your crew throughout the journey, this is done by selecting the "feed" icon. When you will be presented with a menu, telling you your current food stocks and your crew numbers. You will be asked to choose the level of rations you wish to issue. (Remember to maintain full stamina levels your crew should be fully fed; If you do not feed your crew, there is a possibility that they may mutiny). If you have underestimated your travelling time, it may be necessary to give reduced rations towards the end of a journey, but this should be done sparingly. Food is not transferable from one journey. COMBAT If you choose to become a Privateer you will be able to sail the seas and pick and choose the ships you wish to attack, which is achieved by selecting the combat icon. Then when some other ship is near (in sight) you can press fire. This will give you control of your cannons as you sail your ship into an attack position. Then by pressing fire, the screen will clear and you will be shown a display depicting your cannons and the enemy ship on the horizon, by moving left or right you will be able to choose the cannon you wish to fire, by moving the joystick up and down you will be able to alter the evelation of the cannon, pressing fire to shoot from the nominated cannon. As this shot travels you will be able to prepare another cannon (if you have more than 1 on that side) and will be able to fire a broadside of shot using this method. If the ship moves out of range, pressing space will drop you into plan mode to allow you to manoeuvre to continue the attack. When you have disabled the vessel or it has stopped of its own accord you'll be able to board, (remember if you wish to capture the ship intact to increase your assets you should be careful with your shooting). BOARDING Boarding is accomplished by sailing alone-side, when you are close enough you will be place on the boarding screen and the object is to secure the ship, by killin the Captain. You will represent each member of your crew, as you lose a life you will lose one of your crew members, lose too many and you will be unable to sail your own ship. Each crew of the opposing ship is a representative of that ships total, therefore the less crew you kill the more chance you have of leaving a crew to man the ship for you (once you have captured the ship, if you spare their lives they will be loyal to you). If you capture the ship intact you will be able to command it to go to port on your behalf and its assets and worth become your property. If you have severely damaged it or killed to many crew members for it to be sailed, then you will be able to offload the cargo, and anything else you can carry onto your ship. If U are being defeated on the enemy ship you will be able to retreat to your own ship and by selecting the QUIT icon (represented by a ship) you will abandon the attack. When you are fighting you will have a choice of 2 weapons (assuming you have purchased muskets and shot). The sword (which cannot be lost) is used in hand to hand fighting and the musket for long range shots (the amount of musket shot you can use is dependant of the amount you bought when in port). As you fight you will lose stamina (represented by the bar on the screen), when you run out of stamina your man dies. If you have not fed your men poperly this will show on their stamina rating. NOTE When you capture a ship and send it to port, there is a possibility that the ship may be lost in bad weather or it might be attacked by another ship, this is a gamble you will have to accept if you wish to increase your assets. There is a possibility that you may be attacked by other ships, they could shoot at you and also if they have a faster ship they could pull along side and attempt to board you. When they attempt to board you, you must endeavour to kill as many of the enemy as possible, if you manage to eliminate a major part of the crew then you will have repelled the boarders and they will leave. If they manage to over-run your ship you will have lost. If this is your only ship the game will end, if you have more than one ship a random element "JOSS" (luck) will decide whether you survive. PORT To enter port after a voyage you will see Harbours on the sea screen, by sailing into these harbours you will be taken into port. Once in Port you must find the warehouse and bank to trade the goods and ships you have acquired on your voyage. Then you must re-stock and set sail. If you have more than one ship in port when you return to Macau, you will be able to choose the ship you wish to sail next and then send the ohter ships to sea. They will trade in legitimate cargo and their purchases and sales will be debited and credited to your account as they trade. Remember even if you do not send the ships to sea they will continue to cost your wages and food bills. When the loan is due, you will return to Guangzhou where you must repay it all or lose your head. Now with your own assets, set sail again and endeavour to your increase your wealth and status until you reach the pinnacle of your ambition. . . to become THE TAI-PAN. PLAYING HINTS ------------- Tai-Pan can be played in a variety of ways, depending on your wishes. It can be played as a straight game, by concentrating on the trading element and avoiding all other contact. It can be played as an arcade adventure with all the relevant puzzle solving or it can also be operated virtually as a shoot-em-up, by buying a Clipper, press-ganging a crew and pirating the seas. Tai-Pan is best enjoyed as a mixture of all these elements. When in port at the start of the game we suggest that you purchase the sextant, compass, maps and telescope, otherwise various options will not be open to you and sailing will take a long period of time. When partaking of the ports delights it may be worth while remembering that if you become drunk or exhausted you may also be liable to be press-ganged and end the game. When you buy your first ship we suggest you buy the Lorcha. If you attempt to trade with the Clipper you will be unable to buy stocks and the only way to amass stores will be to pirate other ships. STATUS When you end the game, either by choice or by getting killed, you will be informed of your final status, which is determined by the amount of cash and assets in your possession at that time. In ascending order these are: Slave - Drunk - Bankrupt- Peasant - Cabin Boy - Oarsman Rigger ($ 100,000) - Deckhand ($ 150,000) - Lookout ($ 200,000) - Steersman ($ 300,000) - Cadet ($ 350,000) - 2nd Mate ($ 400,000) - 1 st Mate ($ 500,000) - Captain($ 600,000) - Shipowner ($ 750,000) - Trader ($ 1,000.000) - Merchant($ 2,000.000) - Master Merchant ($ 4,000.000) - Merchant Prince ($ 5,000.000) - TAI-PAN ($6,000.000+) TOWN SCENE ICONS BUY - Money bag down with down arrow SELL - Money bag up with down arrow PICK UP/DROP - Hand with arrow SAVE - Tape with down arrow LOAD - Tape with up arrow SAILING SCENE ICONS MAP - A map COMBAT * - A cannon RAISE/LOWER SAILS - A ship with sail FEED CREW - Big Chicken TELESCOPE - Sort of pipeline in 3D WIND DIRECTION - Text "WIND" and an arrow STEER * - A steering wheel * combat/steer icons alters each other COMBAT SCENE ICONS SWORD - A sword MUSKET - A musket ABANDON BATTLE - Big ship with cannon at ocean next to another. TAI-PAN This software product has been carefully developed and manufactured to the highest quality standards. Please read carefully the instructions for loading, IF FOR ANY REASON YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY IN RUNNING THE PROGRAM, AND BELIEVE THAT THE PRODUCT IS DEFECTIVE, PLEASE RETURN IT DIRECT TO: MR. YATES, OCEAN SOFTWARE LIMITED, 6 CENTRAL STREET, MANCHESTER M2 5NS. Our quality control department will test the product and supply an immediate replacement if we find a fault. If we cannot find a fault the product will be returned to you at no charge. Please note that this does not affect your statutory rights.

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Adventure | Strategy

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