front cover

Platform: Nintendo DS

Region: NTSC-J

Country: Japan

Developer(s): Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka

Publishers(s): Konami

ReleaseDate: 2005-06-23

Players: 1

Co-op: No

Ganbare Goemon: Toukai Douchuu Ooedo Tengurigaeshi no Maki

Also know as: Ganbare Goemon: Tōkai Dōchū Ōedo Tengu ri Kaeshi no Maki

Ganbare Goemon: Tōkaidōchū Ōedo Tengurikaeshi no Maki (がんばれゴエモン~東海道中 大江戸天狗り返しの巻~) is a Goemon game released for the Nintendo DS on June 23, 2005.[1] Its release marked the revival of the series' medieval Japanese themes and quirky humor, as previous games had taken place in a futuristic setting or with a more serious tone.[2] Plot[edit] Disaster strikes when Goemon and Ebisumaru are sent to jail for crimes they didn't commit! After being freed from jail by their female companion Yae, they soon discover that poor-looking phonies are causing mischief under their names! You'll have to put a stop to these impostors to clear your name and save Edo from disaster.

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Action | Adventure

Other Graphic(s)