front cover

Platform: RCA Studio II

Region: NTSC

Publishers(s): RCA

ReleaseDate: 1977-11-01

Players: 2

Co-op: No

TV Arcade Series: Speedway/Tag

This cartridge consists of two games. Speedway is a racing game for two players. The game is viewed from a top-down perspective and each player has to move his vehicle around the race track. Acceleration is automatic and the player only has to focus on steering. The vehicles stop when they hit each other or one of the walls. The game keeps track of the laps and the player that first completes nine laps wins the game. Tag is a game of chase. It is a two-player game where each player controls a square on an otherwise empty screen. The player whose square hasn't got a dot on it has to chase the other player. After he has accomplished that (or after ten seconds if he doesn't succeed) he gets the dot and becomes chased by the other player. The game lasts for two minutes and the player with the most points will win. Each catch is worth ten points.

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Action | Racing

Other Graphic(s)

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