front cover

Platform: Sega Mega Drive

Region: Region Not Set

Developer(s): Sega

Publishers(s): Sega

ReleaseDate: 1992-09-01

Players: 4

Co-op: No


Monopoly is fantastic fun for the entire family. You can play against the computer - with skill levels you select - or get up to 10 players in on the action. It has special features such as a built-in battery so you can save games and play them later. Roll the dice with a push of a button. Your token comes to life and moves around the board! Buy companies and properties. Increase the value of your properties by building houses and hotels. Land on "Chance" or "Community Chest" and pick a card. With strategy and luck, you can become a winner. But you never know how the dice will roll!

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Strategy

Other Graphic(s)