front cover

Platform: Sony Playstation

Region: NTSC

Country: United States of America

Developer(s): MOVIC

Publishers(s): Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc.

ReleaseDate: 1996-08-31

Players: 2

Co-op: Yes

Project: Horned Owl

An invasion of mechanized terrorists turns your city into an urban battleground! Time: the future- Metro City is under attack from legions of robots directed by a twisted dictator. Your squad of mech-suited cops hits the ground, transformed into deadly defense unit. Your city is buckling, street by street - can you stop a total mech takeover? -A non-stop action shooter exclusively for the PlayStation game console. -Two player co-op mode and KONAMI ENFORCER Gun support double the destruction! -Interactive backgrounds allow you to blast cars, obliterate walls and annihilate mech suits on factory conveyors. Watch out-innocent civilians are everywhere! -Incredible Japanese anime sequences connect battle scenes into an all out urban war! -Rapid fire combat packed with futuristic war machines including cybercops, armored mechs with automatic weapons, tanks, missiles, bombs, energy scans and high-tech Heads-Up-displays.

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Shooter

Other Graphic(s)